Flood Adjustment Recovery
This small publication includes the initial geologic interpretations of the 12 sand peel sculptures collected in Buffalo Bayou after Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas. The publication was produced for the exhibition Emerge: Fluvial Tapestries from Hurricane Harvey at the Buffalo Bayou Park Sunset Coffee Building in October 2018.
Fluvial Tapestries: GeoArt of Hurricane Harvey
This technical article was published in the Houston Geologic Society Bulletin in January 2019. It introduces the powers of geologic time and an artistic interpretation of sand peels to acknowledge the realities of human coexistence with nature on a coastal flood plane.
Transactions Publication
Flood, Adjust, and Recover: Flow Archives of Hurricane Harvey in Buffalo Bayou, Houston, Texas
This is a none traditional science paper that collaboratively examines the multiple archives of flow created by Hurricane Harvey in Houston. The paper was developed for the Transactions publication for the 2019 GeoGulf Convention.